"We exist to inspire current and future parishioners to further develop their own relationship with Christ, experience the joy in fully participating in a multi-cultural Catholic-Christian community, and to model Christ in our broader community." - from our Pastoral Plan
Check out our list of events during Lent here! We will be updating this page so be sure to check back!
Click here to read about the saints this year and vote for your favorite to advance to the next round!
Join us for Holy Week this year! Our schedule starting on Palm Sunday, April 13 is available here!
Sunday Mass:
​Daily Mass:
Mass Intentions: To book a Mass intention, please call 857-342-9500, ext. 17 or email
admin@bluehillscollaborative.org to check availability. To view Mass intentions for upcoming Masses, click on the Bulletin to follow the link to our Parishes Online page and you will see the schedule of upcoming Mass intentions in the PDF copy of recent bulletins!
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
First Fridays from 12:00pm to 2:00pm at Most Precious Blood
Read our 2024 Annual Report for each of our three parishes at this link. Click on the button for each parish to view their respective annual report.
This Lent, join us for Stations of the Cross on Fridays at 4 PM! Stations of the Cross will take place on the following schedule:
Friday March 21- St. Pius X
Friday March 28- St. Anne
Friday April 4- MPB
Friday April 11- St. Pius X
Friday April 18 (Good Friday)- St. Anne
“The Bible” will be a multi-part program spread over 2025 and beyond. It will be led by Father Joe Mazzone. Come for one 5-week session or for all. The first 5-week session will be an overview of the Bible. We will include a discussion of who wrote the Bible? What languages are used in the Bible? What are the different books of the Bible? And much more!
If you will be attending this program, please bring your Bible. Don’t have one, no problem we will have Bibles available. We also suggest brining a snack to share . Please email Anna if you will be attending or if you have any questions, contact acote@bluehillscollaborative.org
This year, we will again be running our annual Lenten Fish Frys! Our first 2 will be drive-through and our third meal will be sit-down. You can place an order for Friday, March 28 now! Email John at development@bluehillscollaborative.org or call and leave a message at 857-342-9500, ext. 14 if you would like to place an order. Adult meals which include fish and fries is $12 and kids' meals which include fish sticks and fries is $8.
Most Precious Blood hosted an important town hall meeting on Sunday, March 2. Before moving forward with needed repairs, we need to hear from you! Be sure to complete the survey available after Masses in March or click on the button above to provide your feedback. You can also write a letter of support and give it to one of our staff members! We are looking for all responses by March 31!
All St. Anne parishioners are invited and encouraged to attend an important Town Hall Meeting on Saturday, March 29 after the 4 PM Mass. The meeting should last about one hour. We hope to discuss ways we can all strengthen the parish financially to ensure a vibrant and exciting future for the coming generations. We encourage parishioners to come with ideas of how we might do this together. Your ideas and feedback are critical to the future success of our parish. We also are looking for ways to increase our volunteer base. Refreshments will be served. Thank you for your commitment to St. Anne and we look forward to seeing you on March 29!
Our Family Mass scheduled for April 6 has been postponed due to a scheduling conflict. Thank you! Please check our bulletin and website for any updates.
Check out the Friends of the Catholic Parishes of the Blue Hills Spin Wheel page which contains information about our monthly spin and raffles!
If you are traveling, check out this link for nearby Mass times!
via Catholic Online
Purchase a Missal and Hymn Book in memory of a loved one here!
Evangelium Vitae, Deacon Jonas' Homily and More!
Read about our 2023 Cheverus Award Winners
Boston Athletic Academy, Nicole Curran Photography, Distinctive Catering and More!
Vocations Boston Website
Blogs, YouTube channels, articles, reflections and more!
At St. Anne Parish
Catholic Parishes of the Blue Hills
Most Precious Blood, St. Anne, St. Pius X
A Disciples in Mission Phase II Collaborative
Collaborative Center/Mailing Address for All Parishes
20 Como Road, Readville, MA 02136
Main Phone (857) 342-9500
Main Fax (617) 361-8021