Most Precious Blood Repair and Renovation 

Ways to Help Support Most Precious Blood's Repair and Renovation Project

During our town hall meeting on Sunday, March 2, 2025, we discussed the substantial repair and renovation project that will need to take place at Most Precious Blood. We provided a brochure with information about the great history and promising future of Most Precious Blood Church.

We need your support! This page will go into more detail on how you can get involved in supporting Most Precious Blood!

Most Precious Blood Brochure

Click the button below to access the brochure we gave out at our Town Hall Meeting on Sunday, March 2, 2025.

Most Precious Blood Brochure

Most Precious Blood Financial Information

In this section, we are going to show important information to consider regarding Most Precious Blood's financial outlook. This information will help you fill out the survey which you will find on this page.


Click on the button below where you will be taken to an electronic version of the survey that was distributed on Sunday, March 2, 2025.

Surveys must be completed by March 31, 2025.

Most Precious Blood Survey

How to Write a Letter of Support

A letter of support can be addressed to Father Joseph Mazzone. This letter should outline your personal connection to Most Precious Blood and address its impact on your life. You can speak about your fondest memories at the church or a particular aspect of Most Precious Blood's parish life that you have valued over the years.

Once your letter is complete, please email it to John at You can also drop a letter at our offices at 20 Como Road in Hyde Park! You can leave it in our mailbox or deliver it to one of our staff members.

Spread the Word! 

Be sure to spread the word to members of the Most Precious Blood community (including the Most Precious Blood School!)  that may have moved from the area. You can direct them to this website and to the survey. You can also encourage them to write a letter of support!

Most Precious Blood History 

The following information about the rich history of Most Precious Blood came from Steve Morris (whose family sold the land that became MPB Church) and who manages the Hyde Park Then & Now Facebook Page!

Fr. Barry was responsible for securing the deal to buy the land for MPB, which he purchased from the Gerry Family. The amount of land was 2 acres. The cost I don’t remember but it was significant given the time period. This secured the land for the church along with another building. Back in 1884, my family sold 2 acres of land to Father Barry, and the Catholic Church to build a church and a parochial school. He was the first senior Pastor at MPB.

MPB had begun with the buying of 3 acres of land from my relative's estate, the Estate of Charles F. Gerry, who was the first president of the Hyde Park Savings Bank and the first co-president of the HP YMCA, by the Reverend Pastor Richard J. Barry, to not only build the church but to also build Catholic Schools in the town of Hyde Park. The cost to the church was $80,000. This information is from the public record in 1888.  The corner stone of this splendid edifice was laid on July 4, 1880, and the church was dedicated on September 12, 1885. Interiorly and exterioly it is a substantial and magnificent temple. The cost was $85,500.00. In 1884, Father Barry purchased the ‘Gerry estate’, which gives the Catholic Society over two acres of land in the very heart of the town.

Money has been lavished in laying out the grounds, and no society in Hyde Park or elsewhere can show greater enterprise and perseverance. A new parochial school has been built, which will accommodate 360 children. (St. Raphael’s School)

Two primary parochial schools will be erected in the Spring. This society has laid out over $140,000 during the last 8 years, and the total indebtedness to date is only $21,000. Nothing in the short history of Hyde Park shows better the substantial growth of the town than the facts above recorded.

MPB has had 11 pastors in 140 years: 1.) Fr. Barry, 2.) Msgr. Chittck, 3.) Fr. Stanton, 4.) Fr. Grady, 5.) Msgr. Crowley, 6.) Msgr. Moran, 7.) Bp. Riley, 8.) Fr. Lyons, 9.) Fr. Nolan, 10.) Fr. Coyne, and 11.) Fr. Mazzone.

Fun Fact About MPB History:  Oscar- Winning Actress Ethel Barrymore was married in secret in Hyde Park within the MPB Rectory by Monsignor James J. Chittick on Match 15, 1909.

Images and Homily from Father Richard Barry, Pastor from  1880-1888

Check out images of Most Precious Blood below!

We also have a copy of one of the first homilies given at Most Precious Blood by Father Richard Barry, the first pastor at Most Precious Blood. His words certainly ring true today.

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