Confirmation Retreat- Sat. Dec. 21
Please keep our Confirmation students in prayer as they go on their annual Confirmation Retreat on Saturday, December 21 at La Salette.
Lessons and Carols- Sun. Dec. 22 at 1:30PM at Most Precious Blood
Our music ministry invites you to join them for our annual Lessons and Carols event taking place on Sunday, Dec. 22 at 1:30 PM at Most Precious Blood!
Christmas Giving Trees- Until Dec. 17
The St. Vincent de Paul Giving Trees will once again be in each of our collaborative churches. They will be put in place the weekend of November 24 and remain in place through the Christmas season. Ornaments have a denomination and suggested store to purchase a gift card. Please remember to return the gift card with an activation receipt! The cards will then be distributed by St. Vincent de Paul to those who are in need of help this Christmas season. You can put the gift card and ornament in an envelope and place it in the offertory collection or drop the cards at the Collaborative Center. This year you will also see ornaments that say a denomination "Check to St. Vincent de Paul." If it is more convenient you may write a check out to St. Vincent de Paul and place it in an envelope then deposit in offertory collection or in the mailbox at the Collaborative. These checks will allow St. Vincent de Paul to purchase BULK gift cards. This allows your donation to go even further. As always Thank you for your generosity as we help those who otherwise may not have a very Merry Christmas.
Daughters of St. Paul Visit- Dec. 21 and 22
The Daughters of St. Paul, the “Media Nuns” from the Pauline Book Center in Dedham will be coming to our Parish with Catholic Books, Prayerbooks, Bibles, Lives of the Saints, and Children’s books on December 21st and 22nd. Visit the book fair and find inspiration for your spiritual journey and meaningful Christmas gifts!
They will be attending the Saturday Vigil Masses on December 21 at St. Anne and St. Pius X at 4 PM.
They will also be there Sunday after the 9 AM Mass at Most Precious Blood, after the 10:30 AM Mass at St. Pius X and after the 5 PM Haitian Creole Mass at Most Precious Blood!
Catholic Parishes of the Blue Hills
Most Precious Blood, St. Anne, St. Pius X
A Disciples in Mission Phase II Collaborative
Collaborative Center/Mailing Address for All Parishes
20 Como Road, Readville, MA 02136
Main Phone (857) 342-9500
Main Fax (617) 361-8021